Monday, April 30, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

What a rough night!

Last night was incredibly awful for me. I dont really know what happened to me actually. I just lost it, things werent going well with a special someone and not being able to climb did it in for me. I found out that because they are setting for a comp at the gym, i wont be able to climb till next saturday. Those who know me, know that i use climbing as a way to make myself relax and helps me keep my cool. Not being able to climb hurts me so much so i broke down! I just kind of spent some time by myself thinking about my life! Sometimes, i need those times but it would help if i had someone i could do to. Nevertheless, even though i was close to giving up, i am never going to give up!!! things get better, i have been to rock-bottom and back and i know that things get better, i just have to stay positive!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

The new fad is soloing

This video is about matthew bush soloing so ridiculous hard climbs in South Africa. Have you ever heard of Bush? Yea, neither have I! All i know is that this badass dude solos really hard climbs, most people wouldnt even dream of soloing. He does all of this with no worry whatsoever. He, obviously, plans his routes for a long time, his movements are flowing beautifully!!! It is amazing to see what this man can do! I really hope he turns up on the climbing scene cause i wanna see more of his. I have come to the conclusion that i kind of want to try soloing maybe nothing as hard as fucking 13c but it looks fun! It is indeed the most purest form of climbing, just shoes and u!! alone on the rock!!! I have done some small indoor solos before and i can normally keep relatively calm during but it is still a really hard mental game!! i dont know if i have it in me, i guess we will find out hahaha

Never Give Up!

I have been running a lot lately for cross-training for climbing. I feel like it has been helping and I just feel better about myself. But, it happens everytime. About half way through, I get really tired and all i want to do is stop running and relax. It is one of the toughest things for anyone to do; to ignore your head and know that what you are doing is gonna help you in the long run. But it is true. I want to be great, i wanna be a great climber. So, i am happy to run and i am starting to see progress. "Pain is weakness leaving the body" i always remember that!! It helps me accel!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Getting Psyched!!

This is an amazing climb by Nacho Sanchez establishing another V15 in Spain. The climb consistes of beautiful pinches and crimps on a scary looking over-hanging wall. It looks really long and pumpy too but powerful as all hell. Anyway, I am really digging this video and its sweet that he put a nice V15 up!!! I tried some new chalk out yesterday, Primo Chalk! I really like it, it is more refined than I'm used to but it feels really good on the skin for sure!! Hopefully, I will be able to use more of it in the future!! Anyway, check out this clip!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

New Shoes (Finally)

Ok, well hopefully my new shoes come today! I am really excited because my other shoes (see pic) have a huge hole in them and are pretty much useless. For all you gear junkies, I am getting the Evolv Predators. I already got a pair but they were too small so i ordered another pair a half size up. They are sweet though!! I love evolv they have some of the best service out there and their products are awesome! i am so excited to get these bad boys out of the rock and start sending really hard!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Training like A MotherFucker

Nice picture of Arm and Hammer, not me unfortunatly but a climb i got on yesterday!!!
I have been training nonstop since the past few weeks and it has been exhausting. Just really hard workouts and running almost every day. Getting up in the morning has been a struggle but it will all be worth it!!! Going outside has been awesome. I am so excited i finally get to get on some rock! I am also learning a whole bunch of new stuff like the petzel pass which i actually got to use one day plus a bunch of different anchors!! It has been an amazing couple of weeks!!!!