Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Don't expect a climbing post

This post is not really about climbing at all but I needed some place to put down what I'm feeling and that was the whole reason I made a blog in the first place. Well... There is a girl in my life right now. She doesn't know it but She means the world to me and If i could, I would talk to her every second of every day but I know that she doesn't want that. And I always want to message her but I am afraid I am going to annoy her and make her hate me and her hating me would probably be one of the worst feelings in the world. So I am stuck with this dilemma, message her and hope she doesn't mind it or don't message her, not even risk the chance of annoying her but not be able to talk to her which is also horrible. I just don't know what to do. I am not looking for answers and I am not expecting pity. I am only expressing my thoughts into words because it helps when I do that. I hope she knows how much she means to me but if she doesn't, there is not much I can do... I will not go into more detail about this girl in fear of giving away her identity and embarrassing her (because who would want to be associated with me right?) That's the low self-eestem talking, not me... Well not much more to say on the subject, I just needed to tell someone and my blog is a great place for that! I really hope it works out with her in the future. She means everything to me right now and every minute I'm not with her just drains me of energy. I've tried to get over her too but without any luck! I'm crazy about this girl and there is nothing more to be done about it.

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